
A Moment's Play

            First fall in love with the sweetness…simpleness, and goodness of God. Then the transformation of the
heart comes to you without the strain of effort. It is like climbing a tree that is laden with the
sweetest fruits. As one climbs…he picks each divine fruit…tastes the nectar of its sweetness…
ingests it…ingests it, and fills his self with its divine sweetness. And what does the one that is
maddened in God’s love see at the top of this Divine tree…the Universal Mother (Sai) that
sits at its top with the last fruit of Self-realization that is in Her Blessed Hand. Each time the
devoted one feels a little tired climbing the tree he quickly casts a glance above. As soon as
he sees the smile of the Divine Mother…as soon as he sees the pure love that radiates from
Her gentle eyes…he forgets the pain…..the fear…..the fatigue and calculating the
worth of his climb…….Yes! He regains the focus……his heart palpitates fiercely with
the love for Her……he aches to reach that Blessed Hand to receive that blessed fruit.
And he once again begins to dream to receive from Her Hand that final fruit that
shall once and for all eliminate all distance between Her love for him and his awareness of that pure love.

With that dream that he places tightly in the fist of his hand he climbs step by step…..receiving at
each step divine strength……with that divine strength is born new wisdom. He holds on to the
wisdom and it is the light if this wisdom that makes him see the journey to the next step…..
the next divine fruit. Of course, he is only aware of the Universal Mother watching over him at
all times…..he is aware of Her gaze upon him…..he is intoxicated by the love She continuously
sends to him and in that the journey of love continues until at one blessed moment the final
fruit that he longed for many a life….is placed upon his hand and when he looks up at the
Universal Mother he sees the glory of the highest truth in which God and he were always one in
love…. Then he asks his Sweet Mother the final question of all……“If it always was, is…..
and will be You and me O Mother…..why this journey?” The mother smiled and as She spoke…..
She said, “I separate you from Myself, O Child, only to see the play that I create…..I make
Myself forget Myself for a moment and I taste the love I have for Myself and reach Myself
to Me. You, O Child, lived your life only for a moment….and in this moment….you found
love…..you climbed its tree….you feared the fall….you pined for Me…..you carried My
strength….you fought the distance…..you carried My love and offered it to Me….
and I gave you within this same moment Myself as your Self back to you….
all this happened in a moment, My dear child….and now that you have in
your hand the final fruit you shall know not yourself as you and Me as Me…..both shall merge and
the moment shall end……and once again I shall create you from Myself and we shall
play once again for another moment….
